Loud noises can damage your hearing, but earplugs keep you safe. Pick up your free Mack's sample and protect your ears!
How Sound Damages Your Hearing
People interpret sound differently, but we can objectively measure the intensity of sound with decibels. When the decibel level gets too high, the sound can be physically harmful to the human ear. It only takes a decibel level of 85 or higher to cause potentially permanent damage to your hearing, which is something to keep in mind if your occupation has you working in a loud environment.
We rely on tiny hairs in our inner ears to convert vibrations in the air into the sounds that our brains understand. When a loud sound creates intense vibrations, these hairs bend under the pressure. After prolonged exposure to high decibels, hair cells die off and don’t grow back; this is what contributes to hearing loss. With fewer hair cells to pick up the vibrations, your hearing acuity will pay the price. Earplugs absorb some of the vibrations so the hairs in your ears don’t have to take on the full brunt of the sound, keeping more of your cells healthy and your hearing in check.
Why Trust Mack’s?
Founded in 1962, Mack’s has been the consumer’s choice for comfortable and effective earplugs for more than half a century. They know the ins and the outs of the ears, and they’ve spent the last several decades perfecting the art of hearing protection.
Mack’s earplugs aren’t just for musicians and construction workers who want to protect their hearing. They’re also great for maintaining comfortable pressure in the ears when swimming, and many people use them to drown out snoring and get a better night of sleep. Swimmer’s ear and lost sleep are also unpleasant at best, but a free sample of Mack's earplugs will help with both.