Start earning today
Log in to earn, view, and redeem your Shore Points®.
  1. Earn subs with Shore Points®
  2. Exclusive offers & promotions
  3. Personalized ordering experience
We’ve updated our website’s Terms & Conditions and Terms of Use (collectively, “Terms”). The updated Terms automatically came into effect for all website visitors, including Jersey Mike’s accountholders, on June 26, 2023. Your continued use of our website from that day on, is subject to the new Terms. You can review the new Terms here. Please read these Terms carefully, as they contain important information about your legal rights, remedies, and obligations. By accessing our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the updated Terms.

Shore Points®

Step One: Earn Points

To earn points, simply visit any participating Jersey Mike’s location and make any qualifying purchase. For every item you will receive:

Kid's meal
3 points
4 points
Sub, Bowl, or Wrap
6 points
12 points

Step Two: Get Free Subs!

When you’ve accumulated enough points, you can redeem:

  • Mini subMini sub
    Free mini
    48 points
  • Regular subRegular sub
    Free regular
    Sub, Bowl, or Wrap
    72 points
  • Regular subRegular sub
    Free giant
    144 points